While incarcerated, Tray was the founder and leader of Project Turnaround, a mentoring program that connects Baltimore city youth with individuals in the Jessup Correctional Institution. The leaders use honest connection, compassion, and common experiences to steer the young participants away from a crime-ridden future.

Upon release, Tray hopes to continue his passion for mentoring by expanding Project Turnaround to his local community in East Baltimore.

Arlando “Tray” Jones III


“I believe that if I’m kind and generous and communicate these lessons, people can learn by me teaching it to them, rather than suffering it themselves”

“A lot of kids come from where Tray comes from and they don’t have somebody who understands… They need to be heard… There’s a lot Tray can do.”


Rodrick “Rock” Cooper, Tray’s childhood friend

Dr. Marc M. Howard, Georgetown University Professor of Government and Law, who taught Tray at the Jessup Correctional Institution.

“It would be extraordinary to have him speaking to kids, mentoring kids, and really playing a positive influence in their life trajectories. I can think of no better person to have that type of impact than Tray.”